Jul 12Liked by Sam Gerrans

Such a superb analysis of how the system of "technique" has seeped and set into the DNA of the global masses. I was also born in the UK in 1967 and as such, have witnessed the complete erosion of our traditional ways of life and thinking. It is heart wrenching. I concur fully with your views on our parents' and that generation in general. They remain the same today - mind manipulated beyond repair.

With regards to your views on "Jewish" controlled America, I recently learned that Zionism, often attributed to the Jews, is in fact "racism in the service of Imperialism". IF this is the case, is it really a race or religious related issue? There are in fact more "Christian" (evangelical type) Zionists than Jewish.

The entire Elite leadership group of the Muslim world are also Zionists; the House of Saud for example. And of course the Brahmin caste system is another example of ruling class Zionism.

OR, is this definition of Zionism a product of the Jews themselves, to distort historical Truth?

These Elite factions of Global Society have embraced "technique" fully. They are all fighting amongst themselves, until eventually they implode; and that WILL happen. As you state - Kaczynski says "those that do will be destroyed by it itself"

I agree that the only solution is to turn to the Mind behind the Universe, call it God, the Light or other interpretation of this Almighty Force. There is so much peace to be found in this Truth.

Slowly gathering and reading your book recommendations. All just mind blowingly superb.

Thank you Sam.

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Jul 12·edited Jul 13Author

Dear Saba,

To address the Jewish question: I think it is too complex a problem to deal with exhaustively here, but I can supply the following thoughts.

I agree that Zionism and Jewishness are not identical; but I would say that Zionism is created to serve one faction of the Jewish people (a faction which operates more like the Italian mafia operates among Italians: are all Italians members of the Mafia? No. But are all members of the Italian Mafia Italian? Well, yes. But then are all Italians "connected" by some number of degrees to the Mafia? Probably every Italian knows someone who knows someone who knows someone who is in it. Does the Italian Mafia sometimes shake down Italians? Yes. — I think this model is a better way to approach the question rather than conflating Jews with a religion, which is like conflating Italians with Catholics.)

I take your points about Christian Zionism. I would say here that this is largely the result of the Schofield Bible and other "study aids" paid for by that faction of the Jews I allude to above.

Of course most Jews have no more idea what is going on than anyone else; and there is plenty of propaganda specifically aimed at keeping them on the reservation. We observe also, for example, that Israel is quite happy killing Jews if it serves the broader plan. We saw also how aggressively the Israeli government injected its citizens during the last phase of the NWO business plan.

So a simple "them and us" template does not work.

But to ignore Jewish racial cohesion and the collective corrosive effect of Jews on the countries they live in (or their vastly disproportionate influence) is a mistake and tantamount — at least in my view — to deserving what will inevitably result: waking up as slaves in the country which was once yours. But I see this / them in terms of Jews as the advance troops of Technique (see below).

I have observed Jews all my life, and the one thing I have seen about them is that, whatever merits they may have individually, *collectively* they operate psychopathically: no matter what religious or political stripe they claim, they are united to a man in simply refusing to discuss criticism of themselves as a group in any terms other than those which assume a pre-existing defect in the critic.

This is textbook psychopathy, and popularly termed gaslighting.

What is interesting is that now other races have begun exhibiting many of the same qualities at this time (added to now by delusion and magical thinking), albeit often less effectively than Jews.

All this has nothing to do with "hating" anyone. I believe in God and the Last Day and that every man receives his just reward. There is no deceiving God.

My view is, however, that Jews have the traits I have summarised here more emphatically than other peoples because they are most highly adapted to — and best able to "benefit" from — Technique since they are historically and intrinsically rootless, and have no productive creative or agricultural culture (the professions they occupy tend to be essentially "parasitic" and not productive in any objective sense). Meanwhile, many of the peoples among whom they have lived and acquired influence now exhibit the same characteristics. Hence, one sees many non-Jews are now often similar to Jews (note the emergence of "identity politics" — which Jews were first to employ and leverage in order to break down European societies, but which people of all races have jumped on, including virtue-signalling Whites).

The truth is that I have no particular interest in Jews per se, and no time for people who think that attacking them will solve anything. Ultimately, people express their true nature. Jews certainly express theirs. And on that basis I have more respect for them than, for example, for liberal self-hating Whites.


Sam Gerrans

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Jul 12Liked by Sam Gerrans

Thank you for such an insightful reply Sam. Very much appreciated.

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Wow! What an eye opening ledger of knowing that you have just shared. A perspective that I have always found challenging to articulate. You have done this so well and in so few words. I will need to read this response several times to cement this knowledge and help others grasp this Truth.... though it may be a tad too late.. 😅

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What a time to be alive. The Tribulation was always going to be a very choppy and stormy boat trip. Every week I pick up a new book and my interest fades within a 5 chapters. I keep going back to the book of Genesis and everything starts to make total sense. Love your work. Thank you

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Thank you Sam. Excellent analysis as always. It is tough finding great thinkers such as yourself in my area. The masses are coagulating together into blobs, stripped from any form of genuine individuality and original thought. Technique is too strong and will in fact lead to our ultimate destruction. I do wonder if we are engineering this Reality to some extent (Through the constant inputs and manipulation from the Cabal)? The collective thought of the world into the Aether, does this influence the net outcome? Our Creator in the Qur'an does state the following:

"Those who, if We give them the authority in the land, establish a social order based on the divine laws and provide nourishment (to individuals); enjoin what is lawful according to the divine laws and forbid what is unlawful". (Surah 22:41)

"They will be immensely impressed by the charms of their life and will say, 'Praise be to Allah Who has trully fulfilled HIs promise to us and has given us (this) land in heritage: so that we may live in the Jannah according to our aspirations: how excellent is the reward for those who strive."

A place for Jihad exists in where believers strife in the way of good and fight/repel evil. Our life is not meant to be a life of ease and comfort but a life of action, of tribulation and trials for the purpose of purifying this being which comes like you said, in a lowly, primitive, and polluted state. This deen and social order upheld in the Qur'an, if established truly by a group of believers, can create a Kingdom of God here on earth, just as the first Caliphates did. Why do we not establish this Kingdom of God on earth and help as many people while we await the Day of Judgement?

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I appreciate your points. My position has been that jihad in the military sense is / was only legitimate when the elites had already been warned (see: https://quranite.com/the-god-protocol/). While that work is now done, I see things in terms of apocalypse rather than salvaging any community at this time, but God knows best.

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