What now my previous project is complete?

An overview of my work moving forward

Key points:

  • Summary of work between 2014 and 2022—which is now complete

  • The new stage of work beginning March 2023 will focus principally on Russia, the emerging “fair world order”, and the demise of the West and of Modernity as a whole

Summary of my work between 2014 and 2022

Between 2014 and 2022, I was single-mindedly dedicated to the Qur’an, developing a Qur’anic method of hermeneutics, identifying and acting upon the protocol of warning which provides a central column of the Qur’anic method, and providing a cogent solution to the mysterious letters of the Qur’an.

The total output of that intellectual effort comprises three finished publications:1

  • The Qur’an: A Complete Revelation

  • The God Protocol

  • The Mysterious Letters of the Qur’an: A Complete Solution

While most treatments of the Qur’an assume Traditionalist Islam’s conclusions, my first book The Qur’an: A Complete Revelation does not.

Rather, it provides an initial demonstration of the type of principles which have informed my entire process of engagement with the Qur’anic text.

First among these is the original and organic hermeneutic approach I call pan-textual analysis. This is a methodology by which one approaches the Qur’an on the basis of its own claims—namely, that it is from God, preserved, consistent, and complete—leveraging the corpus of the text as a whole to establish word values for key terms which are consistent and apposite across all instances. I then enforce the outcome of that process across the translation.

This approach is combined with further methods. One of these employs the fact that the Qur’an itself furnishes definitions for a number of key terms. Where such definitions are identified, they are enforced also across the translation.

My guiding objective has been identification of a mechanism implicit within a structured treatment of the Qur’anic text comprising the principles by which miscreant and deviant rulers and their communities were held to account before God in the past, and then to initiate in the present a single, remaining implementation of the same mechanism latent within the revelation and missions God gave to Muḥammad.

My second book, The God Protocol, identifies and demonstrates this mechanism, and addresses a formal notification based thereon to the miscreant and deviant elites of that unified system of governance by which the world is ruled today.

Leveraging the same methodology, I produced a comprehensive solution to the Qur’an’s mysterious letters, resulting in my third book: The Mysterious Letters of the Qur’an: A Complete Solution.

The Mysterious Letters of the Qur’an: A Complete Solution presents a convincing, cohesive, and logical description of the purposes and operations of those letters of a non-lexical character in the Qur’an which are called in Arabic al ḥurūf al muqaṭṭaʿāt (or the cut or disjointed letters), and called more generally in English the mysterious letters. Understanding of these letters has eluded Muslims for over 1,400 years, their default position being that any attempt to decode them is either futile or blasphemous.

I submit my solution to this longstanding enigma in support of—and by way of authentication of—my broader project as summarised in The God Protocol.

Any further thoughts or observations are contained in my YouTube videos over this period.

Those who have read these books — especially The God Protocol — will appreciate why, as I stated in my video at the end of 2022, my work dedicated to the contents and meaning of the Qur’an subject is complete.

This does not mean that this is a subject which will never arise again. I am a student of the Qur’an, and this scripture informs the key principles of my life. It does mean that I have said everything of substance which I have to contribute on that subject.

Almost everything I have to say of interest on the question of the Qur’an is contained in these three books, and I am no longer fielding unsolicited questions connected with it.

Why I am moving to other subjects

The only options which remain to me were I to continue within the paradigm I have established over the last eight years, as I see it, are:

  1. To repeat things I have already said

  2. To attempt to popularise my work by dumbing it down (again, The God Protocol will clarify which this is pointless)

  3. To wrangle endlessly with others either in the talking shop which is the Qur’an-alone space or within the political chess piece I call Brand Islam

None of these options is attractive to me. Nor is any in alignment with either my original goals or with that duty which I sought to fulfil over the eight years of that project.

The video below at 22:45 provides an example from 2019 where I make clear that my Qur’an work had a time limit.

Additionally, none of these options is a fitting way to treat those people who have understood the objects of my Qur’an project and supported it financially.

Since my objectives vis-à-vis the Qur’an are achieved — and since I have come to the view that there is little or point in engaging in a broader co-called Islamic polemic — I consider my work on this front to be finished.

While I shall continue to read the Qur’an, and to study its contents for personal education and edification, my public-facing presentation on its substance and meaning is, for now at least, complete.

I no longer respond to unsolicited approaches on that subject except as concerns book orders.

I have made my thoughts and work on the Qur’an as simply and widely accessible as I can—and thanks to Said Mirza, we now also have reader.quranite.com.

The next stage

I have a number of interests and areas of experience beyond the work for which I am presently known.

One is languages. For one thing, I happen to be a qualified teacher of English as a foreign language. And apart from acquiring Qur’anic Arabic to the level necessary for my three extant works, I hold a degree in Russian language and literature and speak Russian fluently. I am currently learning French, and progressing quickly with that using techniques I learned elsewhere. (I have acquired competence with all aspects of pronunciation, and reached Advanced Beginner (A2) in six weeks.)

Another is Realpolitik. We are, without doubt, living in what the Chinese are said to call ‘interesting’ times—times which happen to follow directly on the heels of my identification and execution of the God protocol. And I am not only geographically located in the eye of the present storm, in Russia, but I have over twenty years’ experience in this country and hold Russian citizenship and speak the language fluently.

This means that I have access to aspects of the tectonic shifts in world power structures available to few other Westerners: I speak to Russians directly on a daily basis. I see what is happening here on the ground—at least in my own city. I listen to the public statements of such people as Putin, Lavrov and Medvedev in the original, and understand nuances and allusions which neither the Western MSM nor Google Translate will give you.

I also take the time to stay current with the better-informed and balanced commentators in the Western military-intelligence media space. I mean men such as Scott Ritter, Colonel Doug MacGregor, Brian Berletic and Larry C Johnson. I also keep up with some of the output of more interesting commentators, including Garland Nixon, Alex Christoforou, and Alexander Mercuris.

But beyond this, I spent the last year reading widely the works of men whose thought cover a much broader purview than anything you can find in easily-digestible video lozenges: Jacques Ellul, René Guénon, Francis P. Yockey, Theodore Kaczynski, Oswald Spengler, Julius Evola.

On that basis of my reading, I have come to the view that some among the well-meaning and better-informed (and generally conservative) alternative commentariat, are uncritically accepting of what has become known as the Fair World Order.

While I have supplied a measure of the requisite reflection and intellectual synthesis, the ideas upon which I will draw in this regard are neither my own nor are they a reaction to events of the moment. Rather, they represent some of the finest original and agglomerate thought of men of the pre-internet age; men who both experienced earlier stages of our present decline and had the education and intelligence to anticipate its further collapse in terms which are independent of the politics or events of today.

Beginning early March 2023, I intend to return to the creative process and content creation with these and other topics in view.

These will include but are not limited to the following:

Realpolitik, New World Order and Fair World Order

My view is that, rather than a simple clash of civilisations between the ‘Collective West’ and the ‘Global South’ with one side good and the other evil, what we are witnessing is a process of what I will term geopolitical alchemy: that the ‘alchemical’ output of conflict is not what the uninitiated take it to be (namely, a polarisation process), but rather a process of synthesis; that is: we are witnessing the means by which the true monster of world tyranny is to be created.

And this process is achieved by means too subtle for many of those who are temperamentally opposed to tyranny to grasp thanks to a system of terminology which concentrates on countries, borders, notions of sovereignty, and vague epithets such as ‘democracy’ and other such emotional palliatives.

The nature of Realpolitik is certainly coloured and coordinated by racial, caste and societal interests, such as those the much-maligned conspiracy theorists discern. But there exist also influences and drivers (such as the Technique of which Ellul writes so well). And these are demons which have a life all their own.

These are forces that those who truly understand Realpolitik know they cannot govern. That is, they cannot stop or slow the speeding train. But they can nudge the rails a degree or two in this or that direction—and these nudges are of immense consequence the further the train progresses.

These questions are of greater import than whether the mass of mindless fools places a mark in a box every four years or whether Jews, Freemasons, or Satan himself controls the US Federal Reserve.

In short, an entire dynamic to what I consider to be the inevitable collapse of the world civilisation—one entirely divorced from the question of whether the current tyranny (i.e. the US ‘rules-based order’) rules the roost, or whether a more ‘equitable’ alternative is adopted—is missing from presently available discussion.

They miss the fact that Ellul identified so well: that the outcome, in either case, will be indistinguishable because, on every point which matters, both systems are in full agreement.

An apocalyptic view

My view—as expressed in The God Protocol—continues to be that the world is on a collision course with the Apocalypse. I wish to develop this thematic further, but from a different angle, and to what I have already written and acted upon I wish to add a number of further facets.

Furthermore, while I understand that such a view is unlikely to appeal to the popular imagination, my view is that not only is total annihilation unavoidable, the degraded condition of the elites and their vassals is now so pronounced, it is the least bad possible outcome.

Real people in Russia

Much of the commentary in even the thinking, conservative public space I alluded to above is somewhat simplistic when it comes to Russia.

I mean here that many of the limited number of alternative-media commentators who present Russia in a reasonably fair light vis-à-vis the Special Military Operation, seem either naive or out of date when it comes to the reality of this country.

In order to counter some of this insipid, romantic and facile presentation, I will be providing my own commentary and, perhaps, participate in interviews on related topics.

Additionally, while I am not presently sure of the format, I would like to show my audience something about the country I live in and its people: the good, the bad, and the ugly. But without the cartoonish, ludicrous propaganda which is served up in the anti-Russia West, or the gushy emotionality which affects those who sympathise with Russia and see it as a bulwark against the degenerating West.

I would also like to feature some of the life hacks I have picked up over the years in Russia, as well as share some personal experiences which will provide some perspective on what Russia is and is not today.


Given that we live in a time of near-complete delusion, I am deeply interested in the phenomenon of delusion itself. As society collapses (for reasons I will discuss more seriously in other parts of my presentation), delusion becomes more prevalent and accepted—even normalised and institutionalised.

In this regard, I plan to create segments which explore this phenomenon both as it manifests in the West and here in Russia.


This subject was first popularised by Edward Bernays, but first fully understood, at least in my experience, by Jacques Ellul.

I enjoy dissecting propaganda. I don’t expect propaganda to go away; I simply want to demonstrate its ubiquity and the contempt the propagandists have for their targets. And they are not wrong to despise them, since for a propagandist to over-estimate his audience is a fatal error.

And while the West is currently running out of ammunition, it has an endless supply of lies—so there is no shortage of material.

While this subject is insufficient to hold my interest for an entire channel, picking apart particularly virulent examples of propaganda on an occasional basis is fun.


There are many interesting people in the current informational space, and I will be inviting some of them whose thought and work I find interesting to discuss their ideas and projects with me.

These subjects, while diverse, have a central core. They connect with my abiding interest in the collapse of civilisation and inevitable destruction.

I hope to continue to direct my work towards a reflective and capable audience. And while I will doubtless lose some of my existing audience, I hope to gain new followers, and that some among them will be moved to consider my previous project.

But that work is, as I say, complete. It will not be the focus of my work moving forward.

In closing

I currently upload to Odysee, Rumble, YouTube and Substack. So please like, share and subscribe on all platforms. It is free to do, but a valuable way of giving back.

Go to samgerrans.com and drop your email in the box to subscribe to my Substack newsletter and get all new content delivered to your inbox. I back up my mailing list so that, if Big Tech cancels me, we still have options.

I work outside the mainstream and have no corporate sponsorship. If you value what I do, you can help keep the lights on at samgerrans.com/contribute

Or upgrade to a paid subscription on my Substack to access my more detailed work as well as comment — Substack being where I read all feedback.

I continue to make my legacy projects available free. Summaries and links are at samgerrans.com/books.

Finally, I post news, thoughts and announcements to my Telegram channel at t.me/samgerrans.

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Sam Gerrans
Sam Gerrans
Sam Gerrans