
Said Mirza graciously interviewed me for almost two-and-a-half hours. You can find Said's YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/@SaidMirza and his website here: https://willyounotreason.com/

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Mar 5Liked by Sam Gerrans

Each time I listen or read something that Sam has produced, another awareness cog in my brain lights up. I would like to thank Said and Sam for producing this interview. I was drawn to the discussion on Satan in particular having recently read the section in the addenda to the Qur'an "Shaytan, Jinn and related terms considered"

Given the time we are currently living through, this, in my opinion, is mandatory reading. It blew my mind. And though I am already on the road to serving God, this article ( supported by my overall self- researched knowledge) lit the proverbial fire cracker underneath me.

I have also sourced the 50 minute interview with Muhammad Assad that Sam was referring to ( think its the right one?) and am looking forward to watching this in due course. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OuoRAImuF1M

Finally, as strange as this may sound, I am convinced that the God Protocol detonation statement that has been served on the ruling elites is having a direct physical effect on what we are witnessing today , politically economically and socially. We appear to be on the brink of a nuclear holocaust! It is hugely disturbing, but I agree, not as petrifying as the alternative 2030 agenda.

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Mar 5Liked by Sam Gerrans

very informative, thank you. one thing I dispute is that there is no mention of Jesus as Son of God in the synoptics; Mark 1:1 calls Jesus the Son of God right away. But on doing some research for the phrase I found mostly it's demons or opponents that call him, or claim he calls himself, the Son of God, and that Mark 1:1 in some manuscripts did not have the phrase, which does leave the matter somewhat equivocal.

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