Putin’s crime is he went out of the control of the Internationalists and looked out for the interests of Russians and his country. I face each day knowing that I am still alive not due to the diplomatic fortitude of the UK government, but the level headedness of Putin. Praise be to God that he is measured, otherwise if someone reckless was in charge we would not be having this conversation with our million degree suntans. Peace.

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"I face each day knowing that I am still alive not due to the diplomatic fortitude of the UK government, but the level headedness of Putin."

I agree.

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I have listened to one of Putins speeches before, I don’t know maybe a year ago and I found him to make complete sense, he came across very rational and matter of fact. I know that all we get here in the UK on the Ukraine/Russia war is one side propaganda (we don’t have TV access to Russian propaganda any longer after RT was taken down), but equally I don’t listen to Uk mainstream “news” so most of it passed me by anyway. I can’t work out what’s actually occurring as I have no way of knowing what information is to be trusted. I know we are being lied to though and I suppose that’s enough for me for now. I am really enjoying your work, particularly on Propaganda. I have ordered the JE books and downloaded God Protocol. I don’t unfortunately get much time to read so I know it will take me a very long time to get through them (if I even manage to) but they are there in my shelf (or will be) along with many other books that I plan to read one day- my retirement reading perhaps.

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