Aug 17, 2023Liked by Sam Gerrans

you mentioned something about propaganda is the manipulation of the mind - That's exactly the definition of the word government: Govern "control/manipulate" ment "mind" which is control mind or manipulate mind which is mind control/manipulation. Thank you for pointing this out.

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Me being off topic again…. I don’t know whether others would like to hear who may “like” as a sign of interest….

Maybe when you fancy a diversion if you wish you might like to talk about your new diet experiment. I for the life of me could not lose weight and had health issues, being doing carnivore over 4 weeks, weight now is coming off and itchy skin etc resolving.

Anyways, I do not wish to pry but would be fascinated to hear your experience.


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Jul 5, 2023·edited Jul 5, 2023Author

It is working well for me. When I have more experience of it, I will do that, God willing.


Sam Gerrans

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America used to be the Land of the Free, the Home of the Brave and moved to - The Land of the Fee, the home of the Slave. My apologies for the language Sam. Thank you sir.

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Exactly correct. Am stealing that one!

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