Aug 29, 2023Liked by Sam Gerrans

"remain a living cell within a dying body" well said!

As an admirer of Alan Watt and Ayn Rand; so glad to have found the Honorable Sam Gerrans.

You mentioned some are criticle of referring to people as "stupid" aka "hard of thinking" (Alan Watt) : perhaps that criticism comes from a Quisling (A traitor who serves as the puppet of the enemy).

Thank you Sam

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In reference to your modern day mainstream music, I shall say that most, not all, metal music has more meaning and revelation about life and current events. The sheer heaviness and angry sounding genre that is metal is much more meaningful in my personal experience than most of mainstream music.

For example, the song War for Territory by the Brazilian band Sepultura touches on the aspects of empires and its thirst for subjugation of new cultures and land resources.

Another example, is a song Human Target by the metalcore band Thy Art is Murder, and the chorus sings like this:


Choke down the bones of all below

Unholy masochists

Feeding on the weak, population control

They will devour us

Excess consumption, life reduction

We're so cowardice

I have much more respect for metal bands than the degenerates of mainstream music.

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I am not an expert on Metal, but I can say that compared especially to the tendency towards aggressive, moronic supposedly "Black" music which is promoted today, much of the music of the 60s and 70s (by both Blacks and Whites), was infinitely superior.

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